Free Tarot Sunday- Being True To Yourself Is The Key To Your Happiness

Welcome back to Free Tarot Sunday!  You must have been telling your friends about the free tarot challenge because the queue for free readings is filling up!  Thank you for your support and interest.  Keep it coming!  I love this project and look forward to every Sunday when I can take the time to practice the beautiful art of tarot and meditation!

Enough of that.  Let’s get to it…

The Current Situation

9 of Pentacles

This card indicates accomplishments and self-reliance, having worked hard to achieve the successes that are now yours.  When you get this card, you should ask yourself if you are the most important person in  your life right now, as you should be.  Have you enjoyed your independence?  Have you acknowledged your accomplishments?  Or are you afraid of being self-reliant and worry that you have nothing to show for your efforts?


The Emperor

A powerful man in your life, one that represents the right way to do things, is creating issues for your happiness.  This person is literally like a wall between you and the life that you want to live.  The Emperor represents the conservative, utopian ideals in life.

Your Aspiration

9 of Wands

You want to move forward, to learn from the past pains that you’ve endured and be a stronger, more whole person on the other side.  You want to know your strengths and weaknesses and you don’t want to judge yourself for your past actions.  You want to be compassionate to yourself and empowered as you move forward and onward.

What Needs To Be Awakened

9 of Cups

You need to allow yourself to indulge in the success of your achievements.  Welcome emotional fulfillment- open yourself to sensuality and pleasure and bask in the love and adoration that you receive.  Do not allow your fears of loss and pain to prevent you from fulfilling your desires.  But do be cautious in who you trust or who you share your secrets with, as some may take your pleasure as bragging and feel ill will towards you.  Don’t allow your happiness to be taken away by other people!

What Lies Behind You

Page of Pentacles

Stop trying to force something that you are not.  You feel that you need to be practical, to fit a mold that never quite fit.  Trying to shove the square peg in the round hole needs to stop.  Allow yourself to let go of that need, to become who you really are.  Your successes and happiness will be found in the moments when you are being true to yourself.  Let go of the idealistic messages that we are programmed with, the “I should be more…, I should do more…”  and make your own affirmative messages.  “I AM…” and love the “…”

The Next Stage

6 of Wands

You will reap the reward that comes from looking out for yourself, giving value to yourself and believing in your accomplishments.  Rewards will abound, but take care not to celebrate too loudly, as you may cause your own downfall.  Knowing the potential pitfalls going in will allow you to come out the other end without scrapes and bruises.

What Will Be

The Empress

The Goddess, no shocker there!  You will come full circle, and the goddess within you will finally be fully rounded out and whole.  Who you aspire to be and who you’ve finally become will be one and the same.  You will have a quiet sensuality and mystery that will draw others in.  There will be calm and peace within you and a stream of joy running through your heart.  You will be YOU.

Some Thoughts

Three of your cards were 9s, which is important to note.  The number 9 represents vision.  You have extraordinary vision for the future, but will only gain it if you are true to yourself.  Following the paths set out by others will lead you to their goals, but not yours.  Look into your heart, listen to your soul and envision your true path.  Only by following your own path will you find total and real happiness and peace.

In a personal conversation recently, you mentioned that you were the 9 of Swords.  Do not take lightly that this card was the only 9 that did not turn up in this reading.  It is not a coincidence.

Also, do not take lightly the fact that the two Major Arcana cards were The Emperor and The Empress.  The Emperor is your obstacle card, meaning that thinking that you “should” do things the way that is commonly directed or prescribed is going to keep you from obtaining your true happiness.  The Empress relies on her feminine intuition to gain insight  and understanding.  Her achievements come from feelings, emotions and intuition, whereas The Emperor relies on rules and force to achieve his end.  You think that you need to step into the role of a masculine character to move beyond this current stage in your life (or to navigate it successfully), but the cards are telling you to dig deep into yourself, listen to your feminine intuition and follow it.  Only you know how to move forward, only you have the answers.  But only YOU can do it in this situation.

Adventures at Metaphysical Monday

Last night I attended Metaphysical Monday, a weekly fair with discount new-agey services ranging from reiki to tarot to who only knows what.  I didn’t know what most of the stuff there was, but it was entertaining to walk around and talk to the different practitioners.  I’ve been a member of the Meetup group that hosts the event for months, but this was the first time that I actually made it to an event.  I decided to walk in there with an open mind and to ask questions instead of shying off into a corner.

So, of course, within 5 minutes of arriving I was laying on my back with some guy waving his wand over me.  And by wand, I mean silver coil that pushes energy in and pulls energy out.

“It works from up to 40 feet away,” he said.  He made a Star Trek reference and, because I don’t hear very well, I just laughed and nodded.  I became his new best friend.  Somehow, before I was really able to process what I had gotten myself into, I was laying on a bed laced with amethyst crystals and far infrared heating elements, covered in an amethyst silk shawl, staring up at sacred geometrical gold star structures, having my aura probed by white light while listening to Star Trek jokes.  And it only cost me $5.00.

Once my aura was energized (and my chakras were fully aligned- I should be getting new prosperity soon!) I moved over to the real reason for my visit, the tarot booth.  I was shaking when I sat down, which could have been from the energy that I had just taken in, or from my total fear of what the reader was going to say.  I told her that I’m studying tarot, but that I’ve never actually had my own cards read by a professional before.  We got right to it.

“Pick 5 cards with your left hand and place them face down,” she said.

One by one she turned them over.  The ChariotThe TowerThe Hanged ManThe 8 of SwordsThe Ace of WandsThe Knight of Cups.

“So many cards from the Major Arcana.  These are your significant life event cards.  You need to be true to your whole self.  When you are true to yourself, you will stop replaying the same issues over and over.  You have dealt with a lot of issues and they are now in your past.  The Tower is showing that you’ve gone through great turmoil, but the walls are crashing down to reveal a brighter future.  Look at the card.  You can see the sun in the horizon.  The Ace of Wands is driving you to the sun, if you will just let yourself get there.  Look at the Chariot’s wheels.  They aren’t moving.  The Hanged Man shows that you’ve been in hibernation, preparing for your big move.  Let your dreams, The Ace of Wand, drive you to move.  Three cards from the major arcana are very powerful in one reading.  You need to harness this power, don’t be scared.  You’ve been through so much that you didn’t choose.  Now it’s your turn to choose.  Let the Ace of Wands rule.  You have a very loving and supportive person by your side who has been there for the entire journey and will be there when you come out the other end.  Open up and accept this.”

Me:  “Jesus Christ!”


Then we talked.  We talked about how I’ve spent much of my life underwater, tuning into one thing so intensely that I tune all other things out.  That I haven’t experienced life as a whole because I’ve compartmentalized everything and take out one or two boxes at a time- in increments that I can handle.  And then I put them away.  And some, some I never take out.

“You can’t do that anymore,” she said.  “You have to take out those boxes, look at them, acknowledge them and then tell them that they are in your past.  They are done.”

I told her how I’ve spent the last few years taking each box out, one by one, forcing myself to look inside and relive the experiences.  “It takes away the fear… and the power,”  I said.

I don’t have so many boxes anymore.  My life has become more integrated.

“The boxes are the 8 of Swords,” she tells me.

“I am the 8 of Swords,” I tell her.  She looked at me oddly.

“No, really.”  And I pull back the neck of my blouse to reveal my swallow tattoos, one with a lock and one with a key.  “The swallows are the 8 of Swords and I am the swallows.  I lock myself up and I can unlock myself.  I had these put on my body after I unlocked the biggest box of all.  That’s why the 8 of Swords is in my past.”

“Now you are ready to realize the power of the Ace of Wands and the destination that the Chariot will bring you to.”

“But I’m afraid.  I’ve spent so long tuning out, dulling myself because the intensity of feeling the emotions of others is too much.  I can’t compartmentalize their pain, their fears, their grief.  I don’t know how to handle this.”

“It’s not you who is causing it,” she said.  “You have to separate from it, but give them the gift of guidance.  You aren’t guiding yourself, but you are a channel through which guidance and insight can be shared.  This is a gift.  Be thankful, not afraid.”

Um yeah.  So that happened.  I think that she might be my new teacher.